Winter Wonderland

Well, what a cold snap we’re having. We’ve had to make signs for our guests to remind them of the icy surfaces and have spent a fortune at the hardware store on salt and grit. We don’t want any broken bones here, thank you very much! Even so, there are still parts of the garden that are out of bounds until we get a thaw. The sun is really low in the sky as we head towards the shortest day and it makes for very pretty light in the garden, especially now that the trees are frost covered. The frosty trees against a clear blue sky make for fabulous social media photos, you know!

We wondered what business would be like in the winter months as so many B&Bs close over the season of shorter days and longer nights, but we’ve had a steady trickle of wedding guests from the hotel nearby and last minute bookings from business people who need a break in their journey, even locums from the SWAH hospital. We’re delighted to have so many bookings at this time of year, and the porridge pot has been quite busy.

So, here we are, it’s almost Christmas, the tree is up along with lots of other homemade decorations from the garden foliage. My wreath workshops were a huge success last week and the results are now gracing the front doors of many a home in and around Enniskillen. Afternoon teas have been booked and enjoyed – I need to get boxes for folks to take home the goodies they can’t finish though. Or maybe I shouldn’t make so much…….what do you think?

And the exciting thing is all the bookings we’re getting for next year! I love that ping on my phone that announces an email. Yes, occasionally it’s a cancellation (why is that?), or a reminder from the dentist, but more often than not, it’s a notification that someone else has booked a room, and I can’t tell you what a great feeling that is.

So, as we wrap up warm, light the cinnamon scented candle and snuggle on the sofa with a mince pie and a Christmas movie, we look back over our first four months as Bed & Breakfast hosts and thank our lucky stars for all the marvelous guests we’ve welcomed here. The washing machine does not have the same warm fuzzy feeling, mind you, but we’ll close the door of the laundry room and give him some privacy to have a rest over Christmas.